We provide financial and operational support to our clients in their development and large-scale transformation programs: external growth, integrations, divestitures, performance improvement plans, etc.
How can we help you?
- Iterative hypotheses-based approach to identify Business Plan execution risks, and quantify upsides
- First step to prepare a post-deal performance improvement plan, and define optimal organizational structure and footprint for future growth
- Add-on to the Commercial Due Diligence with insights on operational performance (sales, procurement, manufacturing, support functions), focusing on productivity/cost to serve/Capex, etc.
- Preparation to Closing and functional integration assistance (HR, sales, finance, IT, procurement, manufacturing, R&D, etc.)
- Support in elaborating the target operation model and transition states (Day 1, Day 100)
- Elaboration of the Transitional Service Agreement (TSA) in the event of a carve-out
- Comprehensive framework that touches on every dimension of an effective commercial operation (scoring, compensation, incentives, time allocation, etc.)
- Beyond value-based pricing, set up of a true discipline on discounting, pricing governance and reporting
- Quantification and prioritization of each synergy lever including rationale, baseline, hypotheses, phasing and payback
- Objective view of build-up risks, dis-synergies and one-off costs
- Assistance in elaborating the equity story (achievable targets to be communicated to shareholders and lenders)
- Elaboration of synergy plan governance (accountability, key contributors roles & responsibilities) and delivery tracking process (tracking tool, reporting instances, deviation management)
- Synergy reporting dashboard (by nature, function, region, entities) and progress against plan (secured, on track, late) with updated forecasts
- Frugal spend cube to identify potential savings (price, consumption) and new purchasing opportunities for indirect/direct materials
and commodities - Review of sourcing activities and processes to identify and select strategic suppliers
- Assessment of the level of autonomy of the Target standalone operating model to ensure business continuity when closing the deal (including EBITDA adjustments)
- Evaluation of value creation opportunities to be captured pre- and post-closing and the one-off costs
- Overall divestiture management to ensure closing efficiency, minimize financial and operational risks, and preserve Target value
- Quantification of standalone and one-off separation costs
- Elaboration of separation plan with the right level of transitional support
- Granular view of what the functions do, how, at which cost and why
- Focused approach to quickly identify savings opportunities within a structured process of translating those opportunities into clear actions
- Bespoke investigations are initiated in parallel to initial actions to balance early wins with overall confidence in the plan
- Quantitative assessments of how individual products contribute to overall profitability and market share, once all direct and indirect costs have been allocated
- Highlight of products requiring further assessment to improve performance (e.g., bill of materials, manufacturing processes, marketing strategy, etc.) to guide investment and resource allocation decisions (e.g., promote, pursue as-is, reposition, re-engineer, substitute, stop)
- Focus on make-or-buy, plant efficiencies, industrial footprint and optimal layout based on demand scenarios and Capex requirements
- Flexible approach to diagnosing and addressing critical operational effectiveness issues (overall equipment effectiveness, utilization rate, right first time, lead time, employee productivity, cost per unit, etc.)
- Review of investment strategy priorities considering budget-to-pay best practices
- Deep dive into working capital requirements beyond procure-to-pay and order-to-cash processes, with operational inventory management and cash flow monitoring
Examples of case credentials
Operational Due Diligence
Buy-side operational due diligence and review of quality related processes as part of Aubert & Duval acquisition by Safran, Airbus and Tikehau consortium
Operational Due Diligence (extended)
Buy-side operational due diligence, synergy assessment and carve-out assistance as part of DRT acquisition by Firmenich
Operational Due Diligence
Buy-side operational due diligence and synergy assessment for a CDMO considering the acquisition of an API manufacturer
Operational Due Diligence
Buy-side operational due diligence carried out for CapVest/Curium Pharma consortium through Business Plan and operating model review of Calyx, a solution provider for clinical research
Synergy assessment
Estimation of potential synergies for a French independent group considering the acquisition of a specialist in water and energy networks
Synergy assessment (extended)
Business plan review and synergy assessment considering the potential different types of buyers as part of a vendor assistance for an industrial equipment & service provider
Carve-out assistance
Carve-out assistance related to Courir (divested by Go Sport) as part of its acquisition by Equistone
Carve-out assistance
Carve-out assistance related to three entities divested by a German parent company as part of their acquisition by Inveho (coordination of the workstreams, business valuation, elaboration of the Transitional Service Agreement)
Performance improvement plan
Performance improvement plan (c.20 levers, incl. EBITDA impacts and related one-off costs) for a geospatial leader
Performance improvement plan
Capex plan review and industrial performance assessment of a technical product manufacturer prior to its divestiture by PE fund